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WASHINGTON òòò½ÊÓƵ” Vice President Kamala Harris won the backing of more than half the Democratic delegates she needs to become her partyòòò½ÊÓƵ™s nominee and set a new fundraising record Monday in her first 24 hours as a presidential candidate, as top Democrats rallied to her in their bid to defeat Republican Donald Trump.

Aiming to put weeks of intraparty drama over President Joe Bidenòòò½ÊÓƵ™s prospects behind them, prominent Democratic elected officials, party leaders and political organizations quickly lined up behind Harris. Worries over Bidenòòò½ÊÓƵ™s fitness for office were replaced by fresh signs of unity after a seismic shift to the presidential contest that upended both major political partiesòòò½ÊÓƵ™ carefully honed plans for the 2024 race.

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